Incredibly disappointed.

Questions and answers about 3Dconnexion devices on macOS.

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Incredibly disappointed.

Post by mgsarch »

OK, so, I received my SN in the mail today. So excited I ripped open the packaging and began booting up the best 3D Package available, Modo. The controller didn't respond. I'm thinking, ok, i guess i do need the drivers. NOPE. I began googling to find out that device was seemingly incompatible with Modo.

I'm very disappointed. I have read the other posts that essentially blame luxology. 3dConnexion, step up to the plate ... we've shelled out the cash for your product, don't just tell us to do your dirty work and coerce Luxology to build in support. We paid you and you have provided us with a product of fantastic quality. This is all meaningless if the product doesn't function within the software we use.

I don't enjoy Maya or any of the other packages that you acknowledge as supported. I use Modo and so do many others. Those who use it understand this is not a matter of just switching over to another package. The workflow is completely different and I could never ever go back to the past. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE support luxology. They are a fantastic company and make a fantastic product. support them or at least provide them an easy way to incorporate.
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Post by mranger »

Well, I guess I'll post here because I am also incredibly disappointed. I posted the "Maya 8.5 on OSX" post. It still doesn't work right, after they said that they would fix the bug in their drivers. I'm trying to return it now, and they left a message saying that it does work with maya, which they already admitted that it doesn't (see my post). Too bad, it's an amazing product. If only it worked.
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Post by mgsarch »

returned mine today. The support is just terrible. The srivers work in nothing useful. Sketchup .... Give me a break. My wacom works in everything. Until 3dconnexion can actually support the mac TAKE the mac compatible logo off. I should have known better buying from a logitech subsidiary.
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Complete absence of Mac support

Post by hgm »

I made the mistake to order SpaceNavigator PE for my Mac. Mail order processing and shipping was perfect, and the product itself feels cool.
I was so disapponted when I saw that only 2 of 3 of the demos provided with the software actually worked. I tried Google Earth; it did somehow work, but one couldn't even reverse modify the prefs.
Then I tried Cinema4D, my preferred 3D and animation program. Nothing. Only then I looked at the list of software supported on the Mac. RIDICULOUS!
Reading the old messages in the forum, nothing much has happened in terms of adding Mac support.

While the Griffin PowerMate is different in it functionality, it does work for everything, and it is extremely customizeable. That's what I would expect of a company today, but it seems that the people at 3dConnection decided to ignore Apple products.

A mail to customer support did not provide any solution or even an answer.

So this product goes back home again.
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Re: Complete absence of Mac support

Post by ngomes »

Hi hgm,
A mail to customer support did not provide any solution or even an answer.
This is a disappointment. Could you please tell us how did you try to contact customer service and when? We would like to follow that up.

Update: it appears that you have sent the message yesterday at around 6pm (German). Is that correct?
We aim to provide an answer within 24h. It may happen that information needs to be collected by Customer Service and that may delay the answer.
Nuno Gomes
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Das nannt man hier Support

Post by hgm »

After I sent my mail about the disappointment that I experienced with SpaceNavigator, I got this response. Have fun! (my translation German-> English)

Dear Mr. [...],
thank you for contacting 3Dconnection technical support.
In order to obtain support for your Navigator PE, please address the forum or upgrade to the SE version, in order to receive support by phone or email.
Best regards,
Mike Nitschke
3Dconnexion Technical Support

Has anybody ever had a more arrogant response from any manufacturer of a defective/deficient product?
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Post by ngomes »

Hi hgm,

The response is correct. Please refer to the following topic:

What is the difference between SpaceNavigator SE and PE?

According to your description of the problem, it seems that your SpaceNavigator hardware is not defective.

We very much regret your disappointment. On our web site, there is a new list of applications supporting 3D mice (see here) and the Mac category is growing at a steady pace.
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Post by jayse »

Maybe not 'defective' - but 'deficient' is an understatement.

It's almost hilarious how the moderators and software developers respond to these posts without answering the real questions.

At first I think 'They're absolutely stupid!'

And then I think - 'No - no... they probably just think day in and day out 'WHY did I start working here??? We've built under-developed products and our boss doesn't care. He just says - 'Answer the posts - but don't REALLY answer them - pretend like everything is fine and focus on the positives like: We've added one new app per year at a steady pace! Now go! Go Answer them while I go to lunch!'

So developers - we understand - your lack of support for your products is not your fault... it's your bosses... supervisor... other company... whatever.

hgm hit the nail on the head when he said "That's what I would expect of a company today" -

Exactly - this type of mac support is not only unheard of in today's software market - but it's also rather 'My first hello-world program'-ish. Maybe if this were freeware people wouldn't be so upset.

Actually even then i've come to expect better.

And you guys should expect better of yourselves.
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Post by ngomes »

Hi jayse,

We are also disappointed if customers are not given the answers that are most desirable. A reoccurring question is "why isn't my favourite application XYZ supported?" Unfortunately, we -- the developers, support specialists, marketing folk and remaining moderators -- are not always able to provide concrete information since we are bound by third-party confidentiality agreements.

It is very rewarding to see how customers feel strongly about the usefulness of 3D mice. The Forum is a channel that we use to show prospective partners how a common customer base can benefit with a joint development program.
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Post by jayse »

Hi Nuno - thanks for the response.

I dare say the usefulness of 3d mice has become something I don't want to ever be without... it's hard to live without - so yes - that is definitely where myself, and I think others are coming from.

The other place we're coming from is that we feel mislead - and let down.

I'm a little more angry probably - because my investment was $400 - AND - I went through this with the nulooq only in reverse - bought it when they said it supported Windows only to find that it was a quarter of what it supported on Mac.

Maybe you guys and the nulooq team can get together and work it all out for both platforms. ;-)

Lastly - I've written to Maxon about supporting - everyone else should too - let's get this thing DONE!!!

It's a quick request form here:
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Post by ngomes »

Hi jayse,
Lastly - I've written to Maxon about supporting - everyone else should too - let's get this thing DONE!!!
This is spot on. Good stuff!

I know I'll be repeating myself but there is really nothing like customer feeback. We are getting it here -- which we do listen to -- but it is very important that application editors hear it from their own users.
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Post by jasonh1234 »

Mine works but doesn't work well. Crashes all the time. I'd try the newer driver that's available but the download doesn't start in either Safari or Firefox. :-(
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Re: Complete absence of Mac support

Post by joelcarlton »

hgm wrote:I made the mistake to order SpaceNavigator PE for my Mac. Mail order processing and shipping was perfect, and the product itself feels cool.
I was so disapponted when I saw that only 2 of 3 of the demos provided with the software actually worked. I tried Google Earth; it did somehow work, but one couldn't even reverse modify the prefs.
Then I tried Cinema4D, my preferred 3D and animation program. Nothing. Only then I looked at the list of software supported on the Mac. RIDICULOUS!
Reading the old messages in the forum, nothing much has happened in terms of adding Mac support.

While the Griffin PowerMate is different in it functionality, it does work for everything, and it is extremely customizeable. That's what I would expect of a company today, but it seems that the people at 3dConnection decided to ignore Apple products.

A mail to customer support did not provide any solution or even an answer.

So this product goes back home again.

I bought this instead of the griffin powermate because I though it could at least work with every application and be customized. Wow i cant use this to scroll in the finder? Are you kidding me? My wacom can do almost anything in any application. Wow
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Post by jasonh1234 »


Newer drivers seem to work much better for me. Pretty happy with mine now. Although it does seem to slow down SketchUp when using it as opposed to SU's built in controls.
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Post by bishop666 »


I have left numerous derogatory posts on this site regarding the 3D mice (Space Navigator and Explorer) for OSX, so, adding yet another should serve little to further sully my reputation.

I have a very difficult time accepting the explanation given vis-a-vis the lack programmablility of the driver for OSX software. It has been said that the ability to program the device has been left up to the individual software developers but when you examine other devices, i.e. *****************, and find they are programmable from within software for which they were not designed or "certified," to employ a term overly used by 3DConnexion, you have to wonder what's going on. Add to that the fact that SN and SE are programmable for OSX desktop functions only further muddies the water. Clearly, there is something odd about the driver that renders it impotent in the face of some of the most popular software packages, something that should be rectifiable by 3DConnexion and not the individual software developers. In the case of the Space Explorer, even the buttons that are designed to mimic standard keyboard functions, such as, Escape, Shift, etc., remain inactive in most OSX programs other than the OSX desktop.

Although the moderator has repeatedly indicated that they are anxious to respond to customer concerns and suggestions, they repeatedly ignore the most basic of complaints other than to respond with inane explanations. So, what recourse has the MAC consumer? Forget about this product until such time that the manufacturer decides to do what is right in terms of supplying a functional driver for the Mac. Right now, it is clearly a one horse product ... MSFT Windows, and I, for one, am in the process of replacing all of my company's PC's in favor the more stable Mac!

Edit (moderator): don't post ads (see BOARD RULES).
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