no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Questions and answers about 3Dconnexion devices on macOS.

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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by cuperman »

I have a SpaceMouse Pro, not a Compact - don't know if that makes a difference.
I didn't reinstall the software after turning the firewall off.
I have rebooted a number of times and haven't had any further issues getting it to connect.

I agree it felt like planetary alignment getting this working - we are all so used to "things just working" that we've all forgotten how painful installing software and hardware used to be.

Keep trying different things. I reckon I've saved more time in one 3D session than it cost me in time getting it to work properly.

Good luck!
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by simoncbevans »


Just to make doubly sure, I uninstalled everything including the Sketchup plugin and started over. It all happened just as before except that I did not get the warning about the kernel file. I guess that is because I had already dealt with it the first time around. The attached screenshot suggests that it is all as it should be.

This time, I have not bothered with the Sketchup plugin as I wanted to make sure the computer and mouse were talking to each other. They aren't. If I try to open the trainer I get a brief image of something trying to load and then it gives up. If I open the Viewer, the Collage, or the Puzzle, I can use the SMC to move the cursor around but not to alter the camera.

Someone on the Sketchup forum suggested thatI might get joy paradoxically from loading an older driver, so I might try that. But as the latest driver is designed specifically for the SpaceMouse Compact, I don't hold out much hope.

I also attach a screenshot of my System and you can see that nothing shows under USB. The SCM is plugged into one of the sockets on the back of the Mac which is running OSX 10.13.5. It seems to me that the installation has failed to establish a link between computer and the SCM but it's not at all clear why not. Are you able to help further?

Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 17.41.48.png
Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 17.41.48.png (197.92 KiB) Viewed 59944 times
Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 17.31.30.png
Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 17.31.30.png (116.91 KiB) Viewed 59944 times
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by simoncbevans »

I have solved at least part of the problem and am posting the solution here in case it helps others. Bear in mind that this may only fix things if your setup is similar to mine. That is:

iMac 2012
High Sierra
Sketchup 2018 Pro
SpaceMouse Compact using driver 10.5.2

I uninstalled everything to do with the SMC including the Sketchup plugin, then I followed this sequence:
  • Restart computer
  • Open firewall
  • Plug in SMC
  • Reinstall driver
  • Reinstall plugin
  • Check all working
  • Close firewall
All this is thanks to Cuperman whose post above alerted me to the fix. But if it's so simple, how come 3DX don't know about it? But maybe they will now so I'm just happy if this helps to solve it for others.

I haven't used the SMC long enough to know if the memory leak is cured but it's looking good so far.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by donkeypants »

Here's the solution:

1. Boot your Mac in Recovery Mode (restart, hold down Command-R)

2. Once you're in Recovery Mode, go to the menu bar under 'Utilities' and open a Terminal window.

3. Run this command:

Code: Select all

spctl kext-consent disable
This will disable the MacOS security restriction for kernel extensions, which is unfortunately the only known way to get the mouse driver working. There is technically a security risk in doing this, but it will resolve this issue. This setting is reversible, but it means your driver won't load.

4. Reboot normally and reinstall the driver package. Once you're all done with that (and have rebooted again), your mouse should work properly.

Please note that this is all necessary because of Apple failing to get their act together and is not the fault of 3DConnexion.
3DConnexion folks, this situation is nevertheless quite infuriating – and you'd do well to help people better understand how to get their new devices working properly. Less determined customers are just going to return them.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by UtaSH »

Note that we do not recommend to disable the security restrictions!
Instead please follow the instructions from our FAQ.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by fishermen21 »

I had the same Problem after migrating from a late 2012 MacBookPro to a new 2018 Model, but it was solved easily:
1. Remove the driver
2. Reinstall the newest driver
3. Allow the System Extensions (as described here through Security and Privacy Panel)
4. If disabled, enable the firewall (makes no sense)
5. Open the Connexion Panel
6. Disable the Firewall
7. My SpaceNavigator was recognized again by the Connexion Panel and Fusion
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by perryf »

Hi, new user to the SpaceMouse system, having unpacked my items today... experiencing the same problems as many others have reported... have tried the various bug fixes but still my cadmouse only works as a pointer and limited functionality on the scroll wheel. None of the buttons work and when I go to the 3D connexion Home control I can't 'see' the mouse. The SpaceMouse works like a mouse should... sooo frustrating!!

I have emailed the support but no reply as of yet.. I'm tempted to send it back before the returns window closes!!!

Any other fixes out there before I lose it?!

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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by Tosch »

SpaceExplorer USB with Mojave (macOS 10.14.1)

Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!

It now works! - The firewall was the key point - After being very, very frustrated it now workings flawlessly.

After installing the latest driver I installed the driver from the archive.
But it only worked as mouse-moving-device as described by others.

How I got it to work:
  • removed the drivers by hand via the terminal.
  • rebooted
  • deactivated the firewall
  • rebooted
  • installed the latest driver incl. reboot
  • in system settings accepted the 3DConnection S.A.M. kernel extension
  • (rebooted? don't remember)
  • in system settings -> 3DConnexion setup -> tools the SpaceExplorer was visible.
  • cheered out very loud
Since then it works.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by UtaSH »

:-) :-)

I don't think the firewall was the key, but this line is it:
Tosch wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:08 am How I got it to work:
  • in system settings accepted the 3DConnection S.A.M. kernel extension
See as well our FAQ for Mojave . :D
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by gcortes »

I tried the manual delete method from above and reinstalled it. That didn't work. I then found an older thread that linked an FAQ that said:

If the driver panel shows in the "Tool" tab Firmware 0.00 and "No device found" there might be a problem with more than one driver installed. Please uninstall the driver (Applications -> 3Dconnexion -> Uninstall 3Dconnexion Driver) and install it again.

That worked for me. It could also be the multiple attempts.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by PurePleX »

OK - I give up.

Thanks each and everyone for suggestions, workarounds, tricks and tweaks. I've accepted 3Dconnexion S.A.M. kernel extension, I've deinstalled and reinstalled the driver, I've turned the firewall on and off, I've checked/tried and re-checked/re-tried all of your suggestions.

But nothing have worked for me.

My 3D-mouse behaves just like a regular mouse no matter what I do. After working for years with my PC, it will now in my new Mac-life be confined to its case.


Mojave 10.14.1 on a MBP15
Hyperdrive Ultimate to fit USB-C to "wired wireless" SpaceMouse Wireless (wireless dongle quite working twice, I bought a new first time (outside warranty), second time I just continue using with wire).
Driver 10.6.0 (latest from 3Dconnexion homepage)
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by UtaSH »

Hello PurePleX,

do you have any other driver software installed for any other peripheral device (like a tablet)? It might be that this causes a conflict if there is another kernel extension that is not authorized and thus blocks the 3Dconnexion kernel extension.
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by Dave59QC »

Applied Tosch method and .... WORKS!!!!
On Macbook Early 2016 on MacOs Catalina 10.15.4

Followed with a different method for erasing the driver:

removed the drivers with App Cleaner Pro
deactivated the firewall
installed the latest driver incl. reboot
in system settings accepted the 3DConnection S.A.M. kernel extension
(rebooted? don't remember)
in system settings -> 3DConnexion setup -> tools the SpaceExplorer was visible.
cheered out very loud
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Re: no device was found in osx 10.12.5

Post by jasonh1234 »

neosterrr wrote: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:04 am We had the same issue, No Device Found and the SpaceMouse was acting as a regular mouse.
We solved it by going to System Preferences > Security and Privacy
There will be a Button waiting for you to allow the system to use the drivers installed for the Space Mouse.

Hope this will help others in the future.
Thanks Tom. This helped me.
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