Navigator Crashes AutoCAD/CADWorx 2008

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Navigator Crashes AutoCAD/CADWorx 2008

Post by ChrisCAD »

When using AutoCAD 2008, with or without an overlay program (such as CADWorx), I am having MAJOR crashing problems. I have a co worked who also has a Navigator and he is about to sell his 3DX because of the same problem.

In AutoCAD 2006, we could use the Navigator in the middle of a command (pick a point, rotate object, pick a second point).
With AutoCAD 2008, if you "touch" the Navigator in the middle of a command the entite program crashes, EVERY TIME!

I reach over to grab a pen, brush the 3Dx while in block editor, CRASH!
I brush the 3DX while its regenerating a model, CRASH!
Forget about trying to use it while picking points....

ALSO, it NEVER remembers my settings!!! I adjust sensitivity, reverse axes, etc., and every day its reset, even though I have a saved profile (again, also with my coworker). We have tried all kinds of things on the CAD end, but ultimately we concluded it is a 3DX problem.

I use the 3DX with Rhino 3D at home, and it works perfectly. If these problems don't get worked out then they should stop listing 3DX devices as AutoCAD compatible, because as far as I can tell, its not.

Again, this is not just me, all these things also happen to my co worker, and it is very frustrating.
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Re: Navigator Crashes AutoCAD/CADWorx 2008

Post by rstadie »

Hi Chris!
ChrisCAD wrote:In AutoCAD 2006, we could use the Navigator in the middle of a command (pick a point, rotate object, pick a second point).
With AutoCAD 2008, if you "touch" the Navigator in the middle of a command the entite program crashes, EVERY TIME!
This problem concerns us a lot. We are currently in touch with Autodesk to solve this problem. This issue is being tracked internally with number 4605.
ChrisCAD wrote:ALSO, it NEVER remembers my settings!!! I adjust sensitivity, reverse axes, etc., and every day its reset, even though I have a saved profile (again, also with my coworker).
Please do the following:
1. Open AutoCAD 2008
2. Open the 3DxWare Control Panel
3. Remove the user-saved AutoCAD configurations (Options -> Delete saved configuration)
4. When you move your mouse over the tray icon you should see the active default config-file: AutoCAD.scg
5. Now make your changes to the settings
6. Open the Cube3D Demo ("Start-Programs-3Dconnexion-3Dconnexion 3DxWare\3DxWare")
7. Switch back to AutoCAD
8. The configuration should have changed to e.g. "user02.scg"

You will find the created configuration file (e.g. user07.scg) in the folder %appdata%\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\profiles
Robert Stadie
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Post by ChrisCAD »

I had looked and didn't see this issue addressed anywhere else. I'm glad to know it is being looked into, I guess I'll sweat it out until it gets sorted out.
For the price, the 3DX Navigator is still a steal, quirks or not.

I will try the suggestion for the profiles and see if that helps any.

Thanks for the quick response!
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Post by ChrisCAD »

I reinstalled/updated my drivers for my Navigator and my Quadro card.
One (or both) of them seemed to have fixed (or at the very least improved) this issue! It doesn;t do that funky regenerating anymore, and it doesn't crash if I move it inside a command. Good work 3DX!
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CADWorx 2008 and the Navigator

Post by pdestasio »


I (and 3 other of my associates) are using Navigator SE's and CADWorx2008, it works great. No crashing. I often rotate or reposition the model in mid-command with no issues at all.

The question I have concerns loading the driver and toolbar in CADWorx. I have to load the .arx file thru the startup suite, to get it to load automatically.
In plain AutoCAD it loads on it's own. This really isn't a big deal except for one terribly annoying detail. When CADWorx loads the .arx file at the beginning of a session, it puts the toolbar in the upper left most slot in the window. Seeing as how that is not where I want it, I have to move it and the toolbars it displaced every time.

Any suggestions or solutions? Anyone?
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Re: CADWorx 2008 and the Navigator

Post by ngomes »

Hi pdestasio,
Any suggestions or solutions? Anyone?
The toolbar issue has been discussed before. See this post.

Unfortunately, it is an application issue (AutoCAD) and we cannot address it from the add-in. As recommended on the topic linked on the previous paragraph, customer should report the issue to Autodesk. The more customers do so, the higher the priority of the problem.
Nuno Gomes
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