Start a program within a macro

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Start a program within a macro

Post by mbartlett21 »

I currently have a macro to help fill out revision tables (partially hand-crafted), and I would like it to run another program that I have that types the date. I have a program located in %userprofile%/.../type-date.exe that I would like to call. Is there any way I can do this?

Code: Select all

      <ID>For Manufacture</ID>
        <!-- 1[tab] -->
        <!-- ISSUED -->
        <!--  FOR -->
        <!--  MANUFACTURE -->
        <!-- [tab] -->
        <!-- [Ctrl[V]] -->
        <!-- Insert the date. I would like to say something like RunProgram(type-date.exe) or something -->
        <!-- [tab] -->
        <!-- *** -->
        <!-- [enter] -->
        <!-- [esc] -->
        1E = 1
        2A = bksp
        2B = tab
        E1 = shift
        c = I
        16 = S
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Re: Start a program within a macro

Post by jwick »

That's an impressive macro!
There may be new functionality in an upcoming driver which may be able to do this. I'd have to look into it.

Currently I suggest one of four approaches, in order of difficulty:
1) Insert such a long delay in the macro, that you can press a different button that runs your program during the Pause. Or assign three buttons 1) start of macro , 2) run program 3) end of macro.
2) If this is for Excel, write a macro using its macro mechanism, and execute that from a kb shortcut assigned to a 3D mouse key. This is likely to be the most reliable.
3) Write an independent script (VB, or whatever) that does what you want and assign that to a key.
4) Write a driver extension (e.g., in C) which the driver will call directly when you press the button. In that code you can do whatever you want. This isn't much different from #2.
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