Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

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Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

Post by Ovrclck350 »

I just received my Spacemouse Enterprise yesterday, and haven't had a lot of time to mess with it yet, but I'm not having luck figuring out how, if it's even possible, to assign a folder shortcut to the 1-12 keys. I can get explorer to open, but I would like to assign individual folders to the keys as my workload involves using many specific folders quite often and my keyboard only has 5 shortcuts. I need about 4 more and partially justified the purchase of the Spacemouse by assuming that the shortcut keys would at least be as functional as my keyboard shortcut keys.

I'm sure I'm just overlooking something. Can someone help direct me to be able to open a specific folder (Ex. C:\Test)?
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Re: Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

Post by ngomes »

I think it involves some manually editing but try the following:
  1. Bring the application of interest and open the "3Dconnexion Settings" program (double-click on the system tray).
  2. Assign the "File Explorer" action to a device button.
  3. Check what is the driver configuration the driver has loaded (place the mouse pointer on the system tray).
  4. Go to %APPDATA%\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\Cfg and open the configuration file (MSEdge.xml for Microsoft Edge, for example).
  5. Find the "File Explorer" button action and
    • In the <Executable> field, enter "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" (without the quotes).
    • Replace the <Arg> field by <Arg>C:\Temp</Arg>
  6. Save the driver configuration, switch to the application of interest and check if the button opens File Explorer in the desired directory ?(C:\Temp) in the above example.
File Explorer cannot be opened on the foreground. If you don't see File Explorer, it is probably because it is hidden behind another window.
Nuno Gomes
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Re: Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

Post by Ovrclck350 »

Thanks. I’ll try that tomorrow.

I was able to create a macro comprised of

It accomplished what I needed but looks like I have to re-enter it for each application. I haven’t figured out if there’s a way to add it to the global macros so I can choose it for each program.
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Re: Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

Post by Ovrclck350 »

It's been a long time since I've updated, but I was able to finally sit down and achieve the goals I wanted, but it was a little convoluted. In case anyone ends up with the same issue, I figured I'd come back and document.

DISCLAIMER: There *MAY* be a simpler way to do this, but I have not found it.

Goal 1: Use one of the programmable 1-12 keys to open a specified folder directly.
Steps taken:
1. Create a dummy .exe file. I could not figure out how to skip this step. I just created a text file with a few random characters and renamed it to DummyLink1.exe I actually had 6 different folders I wanted to open, so I just copied the file 5 times and renamed them DummyLink1-6. They will end up not getting used at all, so the naming isn't critical. 3DConnexion simply wants a .exe file to point to with this method.
2. Go to the desktop, or whatever application you want if you want the shortcuts active during an application.
3. Click the Menu button on the Enterprise, then Buttons, then choose the button you want to assign to your shortcut. Scroll to Applications, then to the end of the list to where it says New Application. A window will pop up. Point it to the dummy file you created. At this point, I went ahead and did all 6 entries I wanted--each specifying a different dummy file.
4. Exit the setting screen.
5. Make note of the xml file that 3DXware is looking at by activating the application or desktop again and hovering over the tray icon. It will display the name of the XML. That's the one that needs to be edited.
6. Open up the 3DConnexion cfg area by pressing Winkey+R then typing %Appdata% and then finding the 3DConnexion Folder, then 3DXware, then CFG. This is a list of all the customized applications you've saved settings for. My specific installation may be odd, but something odd I had to navigate through--When on the desktop, the screen on my device either displays explorer or Desktop. Both have separate profiles and I have not been able to duplicate when one displays over the other. 95% of the time, it's explorer which actually references to a explorer-MWM.xml. When Desktop is actually displayed it references Explorer_Background.xml. And if I have a folder open using Explorer--it references Explorer.xml.
7. I use Notepad ++ to edit the file, but whatever editor you want will work. Right click on the XML you need to edit.
8. In the button action settings area search or scroll until you find the name of your dummy.exe. Change the callup from your dummy.exe to C:\Windows\Explorer.
9. On the next line, mine displayed <Arg /> Change that to <Arg>DESIREDPATH</Arg>. (Example: <Arg>F:\Records\Job Packet Scan
</Arg> ). I made sure that the </Arg> ending argument was on the next line. I'm not familiar enough with this style coding to know if it will make a difference leaving it on the same line. I do CNC manual programming, but that's more akin to Microsoft Basic.
10. You can save the file--and then reactivate the application and see if your shortcut works.
11. In order to change the icon for that button, you'll have to enter the Base64 code here as well. I replaced what was in the Image data section with:
<Data encoding="base64">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</Data>

12. I left my original dummy files, but as they're no longer actually referenced anywhere--you should be able to delete them.

Now I did have a 2nd goal. My workflow does not see me using application individual shortcuts with those keys. I wanted the same LCD shortcuts on every app. Sadly---this required me to open every app, make a single change so that the XML was created and then copy/Paste everything from my original XML from the <ButtonActions> command all the way to the end of the file. BUT--now every app I have has the same LCD shortcuts. It's REALLY disappointing that 3DConnexion has not somehow allowed a Master/Default setting you can enter that would allow you to specify individual buttons as Universal--and possibly leave others as Profile Active. Like if I wanted 123/789 to ALWAYS be the same, and leave 456/10-12 as profile customizeable----it should be fairly easy. But, they haven't, so I'm stuck with this method. Even if they added a "Copy from xx Profile" feature in the 3dXware where you could apply all the shortcut settings from another profile, it would likely be easier.

At a minimum, they really need to add an option for launching a specific folder. The software can do it, as is evident by this method working great. It's just that their GUI has no good way to do it simply.

Long post, but hope this helps someone who needs similar functionality. It is much simpler than the length of the instructions makes it out to be.
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Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:48 am

Re: Enterprise Keys--Open Folder Shortcut

Post by Ovrclck350 »

I should have pointed out that the Step 11 is entirely optional. If you're ok with the generic Application icon that this method defaults to, then I wouldn't worry about changing it.
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