picking a rotation centre in inventor

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picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by davidsun »


Just bought a spacemouse pro. installed and running well until I try :
1. picking a point as rotation centre. because my model is quite big, when I zoom in to a desirable point and rotate, it seems the centre is outside of my screen.
2. when performing a fly through the model under Perspective view, it goes and stops at a certain point and refuse to go further all I can do is to turn around.

Please help, I need to justify the purchase to my boss!

thanks for your time.
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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by Fred »

Inventor supports our devices natively. Since the release of 2012 button they added there own Navbar.

You must assign to any button of 3Dconexion the comand zoom select from the view´s category in the button mapping editor. So you can locate the turning point with the standard mouse when you need it.

Please refer to this topic.
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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by davidsun »

Hi Fred,

Thanks for your help.
it would be better to assign a button to "set pivot point" command under Categories View. just press the button and pick a point on screen. :)

Any solution for my second question : when performing a "fly through" a model under Perspective view, the camera goes into the model but stops at a certain point and refuse to go further, it seems there is an invisible wall in front of me. something is not right here. just wonder if the issue has been brought up by someone else before.

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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by Fred »

You'l have to check with Autodesk on the second issue.
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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by davidsun »

Hi Fred,

I will. However, I don't have the issue when using Astroid spaceball. the only reason I switched to 3Dconnexon is to take advantage of its ability of working on other Autodesk products. I didn't expect this problem with any 3d mouse, the function is a must on a 3d mouse.

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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by Fred »

When Autodesk added support natively they implemented how the device works in the application.
We provide the button mapping. Check in their Navbar settings you may have to disable or enable an option.
This is why i told you to contact Autodesk.
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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by cwhetten »

For whatever reason, creating a custom function that "presses" the F4 key doesn't work the way pressing the real F4 key works in Inventor. In short, mapping a button to the F4 key doesn't work.

Instead, I created a custom function as follows:

<Alt>+V B <Enter> {Wait} <Esc>

This essentially starts the Orbit command from the ribbon through the keyboard shortcuts, allowing me to pick a new center. Just pressing the button doesn't do much. You have to press the button then quickly click the view to set the center point. If it happens too fast for you, add another {Wait} or two--as many as you need. Or, you could just have it start the orbit command like so:

<Alt>+V B <Enter>

This way, you can take whatever time you need to pick the new center. But you will have to exit the orbit command manually.

I hope this helps.

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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by cwhetten »

Unfortunately, the method I posted above only works if no other commands are active. So, if you're in the middle of measuring or constraining something, you have to quit the command to use the button. :(

Oh, well. It's better than having to take your hand off the 3D controller, I suppose...

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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by APH »

Saw this on Design and Motion this week, solving the problem of "running out of zoom". Don't know if it's exactly what you describe but take a look anyway...

http://designandmotion.net/autodesk/aut ... stry-hack/
Andy Parnell-Hopkinson
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Re: picking a rotation centre in inventor

Post by kanita »

Using the "Set Attention Point" button from "Preferences -> 3D Input Devices" I am able to change the point about which my SpacePilot rotates. However, this is the only way I am able to change that point. It is inconvenient to the point of impracticality to go to that menu every time I want to change the point about which the SpacePilot rotates. Using the "Set rotate point" command from the 3DxNX toolbar does not change the "attention point" and thus does not change the point about which my SpacePilot rotates. It appears the "rotate point" and "attention point" are two different things. The SpacePilot uses the "attention point" while all of the SpacePilot software allows you to set a "rotation point." Is there a way to map "Set Attention Point" to a SpacePilot button? Or is there a way to make the SpacePilot rotate about the "rotate point" instead of the "attention point"?
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