I've dug out my SpaceNavigator USB after a couple of years packed away and thought I'd hook it up for a bit of CAD work.
When connected to a number of PCs and laptops it gets into a loop of connecting, the blue LEDs blinking and then disconnecting. All with appropriate Windows USB connect/disconnect sounds. The cable and connectors are fine so I can only assume there is a hardware issue with the mainboard.
Any thoughts?#
I'm running Windows 10 on my main laptop at the moment.
SpaceNavigator USB stuck in Connect/Disconnect Loop
Moderator: Moderators
Re: SpaceNavigator USB stuck in Connect/Disconnect Loop
seems you have the latest Windows updates,
I have the same problems, only on the updated Windows machines
I have the same problems, only on the updated Windows machines
Re: SpaceNavigator USB stuck in Connect/Disconnect Loop
I couldn't get it to work on any machine so it went into the electronic waste recycling in 2015.