Here is the message:
Code: Select all
Plugin 'TDxUnrealEditor' failed to load because module 'TDxUnrealEditor' could not be initialized successfully after it was loaded.
I then regenerate visual studio project files for unreal (GenerateProjectFiles.bat in Engine root), open the solution in Visual Studio 2022 Community. The compile (Development Editor, Win64, UE5 is the target) completes successfully, then the Unreal Engine splash screen comes up to load modules, shaders etc. Then the error shown above pops up.
Not much in the Visual Studio debug output log, just an entry that the plugin module was loaded then a line (right after) that the plugin is unloaded.
Call Stack:
Code: Select all
[Inline Frame] UnrealEditor-UnrealEd.dll!FEditorDirectories::SaveLastDirectories::__l2::<lambda_ab2d119eeedddc7814e5c80482528d2a>::operator()() Line 84
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\EditorDirectories.cpp(84)
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd.dll!FEditorDirectories::SaveLastDirectories() Line 84
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\EditorDirectories.cpp(84)
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd.dll!EditorExit() Line 251
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\UnrealEdGlobals.cpp(251)
UnrealEditor.exe!GuardedMain(const wchar_t * CmdLine) Line 213
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp(213)
UnrealEditor.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup(HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * __formal, int nCmdShow, const wchar_t * CmdLine) Line 233
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp(233)
UnrealEditor.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 282
at F:\OMG\Engine-510-dev\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp(282)
[External Code]