Is there any sort of macro or way to add precision to moving object?
I use several 3D softwarers but lets take Maya for example.
Say I want to move an object ONLY in Y axis (or any). Say I want to snap while moving (a fixed grid previously set)
say the same is valid for rotation.
The plug and play behavior is just useful to mess things on a scene, but not really useful for modeling or building a scene. I might be wrong.
Also, I was wonder if can I, say, use a combination of LEFT (or RIGHT) button to change from CAMERA to OBJECT mode?
Currently, I need to select an object (in Maya) so than while I use the SpaceMouse, I start to control that object in the scene.
But most of the time an object is selected for the sake of manipulating the scene and the object properties, and user just want to move the camera around. The only option is to Disable "move object" in SpaceMouse settings. Which is cumbersome. An option would be add (hold Ctr, or alt, or LEFT, or RIGHT) to switch between CAMERA and OBJECT modes.
Another things is, the camera pivot could be guided by the mouse cursor. Most of the times I am holding the mouse with one hand while manipulating the scene with the other hand. But sometimes I want to change the camera pivot (look at). That would be handle, if I can just point the cursor to an object, and the system would consider the closest vertex or centroid of that object to orbit the camera around.
I wonder if is there anything I can do by myself to achieve these functionalities. Thank you.
Move object precision - etc
Moderator: Moderators
Re: Move object precision - etc
The latest driver has ButtonActions that can be assigned to any button to switch to the different Navigation Modes.
Re: Move object precision - etc
The most recent driver gives you the ability to connect ButtonActions to any button you want to use while you are operating the software. This provides you with the ability to switch between the various Navigation Modes in an easy manner, giving you complete freedom.
Re: Move object precision - etc
Sorry, I guess this responds partially. Or not.
I know you can change mode, but this is not what I was relating on my question. I wanted to grab an object (ie: Properties, Advanced Settings, Others, move objects: ON) while moving the mouse at the same time I hold a button. Is there a way to do that? Thanks
I know you can change mode, but this is not what I was relating on my question. I wanted to grab an object (ie: Properties, Advanced Settings, Others, move objects: ON) while moving the mouse at the same time I hold a button. Is there a way to do that? Thanks
Re: Move object precision - etc
I see. Let me rephrase if you please.
How can I toggle this option (see image below) ON/OFF by a click of a spacemouse button?
Thank you.
How can I toggle this option (see image below) ON/OFF by a click of a spacemouse button?
Thank you.
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- other.png (94.47 KiB) Viewed 15820 times
Re: Move object precision - etc
You want to hold down a device button, like a shift/modifier key, to temporarily switch modes? Then go back to the original "main" mode by releasing it?
Re: Move object precision - etc
precisely. That would be intuitive to me. I can use the mouse in fly mode *or other mode, and if I select one object, and I want to move it, I hold a button, or hold CTR, or ALT, or just toggle *MOVE OBJECT function ON, OFF by clicking a button.
That would be a plus, if moving object in maya would also follow axis contrains, or snaps, according to the current state of settings, and not just move freely around with no precision.
That would be a plus, if moving object in maya would also follow axis contrains, or snaps, according to the current state of settings, and not just move freely around with no precision.