Bodypaint 3D 2.5

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Bodypaint 3D 2.5

Post by Andrew »

Hi, along with Photoshop I am also having a slight issue with Bodypaint3D v2.5. Whilst the control works perfectly, it is VERY slow in rotation. Panning etc. I have bumped the speed up to max in the general and individual settings

The problem ony shows up when using Bodypaint as an exchange Plugin with Maya (v7). If you fire up Bodypaint on its own, its perfectly fast with no issues, if you send the scene to Bodypaint from inside Maya the movement begins to chug. However using a mouse to translate the Bodypaint model is still as fast as it was outside of Maya.

I can only guess that there is some sort of confilct between the Maya controls for the SN and Bodypaint's? If you switch back to Maya with Bodypaint still open the SN still behaves perfectly at full speed.

Thanks and hopefully there's a solution because beside the few glitches I've encountered the SN is fantastic!

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Post by mbonk »

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the feedback. This is the frist time we have heard about a conflict with BodyPaint. I will look into this and let you know.

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Post by Andrew »

Thanks. Just in case a little bit more info may help,

Assuming you have transfered a model over to Bodypaint from inside Maya, the SN releases control of Maya and does indeed reflect that it is controling the Bodypaint UI inside the control panel. If you shift the windows about so you can see Maya in the background the Maya window is not being controlled by the SN.

I have noticed that when rotating or panning Bodypaint with my mouse the viewport flicks from Gouraud shading to quick shading, then when you release the mouse button the screen refreshes and reverts to the higher Gouraud shading once more. This flick is hardly noticable and happens very quickly.
Using the SN the image appears at Gouraud all the time and eventually reverts to a wireframe model when the screen frame rate is not high enough. However even the manipulatoin of the wireframe mesh is slower than that of the mouse whilst maintaining a textured view.
I have actually changed the viewport to all display modes, wireframe / constant / quick and all modes chug with the SN but are perfect using a mouse.

I also need to correct myself in the fact that the issue does also occur when using Bodypaint as a standalone programme.

The navigation using the SN runs at full speed immediately after opening the model, but as soon as you select any tools / texture maps or channels the grid disappers and the interaction slows down.

I am using Bodypaint 3D V2.5 (9.521)

Thanks for the quick response,

Any more info you need just ask.

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Post by mbonk »

Hi Andy,

The implementation of the support for our devices in the maxon applications has been done by maxon themselves. This means we can not help you directly with this issue. Would you please log a support request with maxon.

We will also let maxon know that there is an issue with the navigation when using our devices.

That said. Do you also have the issue if you shut down maya completely?
I tried the Cinema 4D demo availble at maxon with the BodyPaint menus active and Claude_BP_final.c4d and didn't experience an erratically slow/chugging movement. Is the movement related to the size of the scene/object?

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Post by Andrew »

Hi Markus,

The issue actually appears even if you use Bodypaint as a standalone program and just impory an OBJ file. The object size/density makes no odds, a 6 side poly cube still affects the feedback rate. What is weird is that the movement is perfect after you have just imported the OBJ, panning zooming etc is all as smooth and responsive sa with a mouse. As soon as you select a tool or apply a texture the behaviour occurs.

Maybe its been sorted with a new release? I'm using 2.5 at the moment, but not with Cinema4D. Just the program and exchange plugin for Maya.


Thanks for the continued support and responses, here's hoping Maxon know the cause.

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Post by jwick »


Is the driver configuration file changing when you move into this new mode? Hover over the 3Dx icon in the systray before and after you experience the change and let us know.

Make sure you have not installed 3DxOffice from us.

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Post by Andrew »

Hi Jim,

The config mode does change from "3DxWare for Maya" to "3DxWare for Any Application" and then back again on return to Maya.

I have just grabbed the demo version of Cinema 4D 10 from Maxon's website and it still exhibits the same issues (worse so in fact) in the Bodypaint side of things. The Cinema 4D bit seems OK.

I have cranked the overall speed up which helps, but only in the fact that it makes the "jumps" bigger between each refresh so you can still move the model but just not smoothly. I have tried a very basic low poly object with no textures, moved it over to BP3d 2.5 where its perfect until you activate any controls in BP3d where it starts to jerk. Using the mouse is still fine.

It is not too bad if you ensure you have a small viewport. If you either maximise the Persp view or drag it out larger the chugging starts up. Again its still fine with the mouse.

Thanks for your continued support in this (minor!) glitch to an otherwise wonderful product.

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Post by jwick »

Hi Andy,

When you run BodyPaint 3D by itself (when it works), what is the config file in use? The same as when it is run from within Maya?

Can you turn on logging in the 3Dx GUI, run the scenario (start Maya then start BP3D to show that it is slow), then send the log file to

The log file is in %APPDATA%\3dconnexion\3dxware (3dxware.log).

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Post by Andrew »

Hi Jim,

The slow response actually does happen in standalone mode as well, but both version use the same config file.

I have also just sent the email ocntaining the log file over.

Thanks again,

Last edited by Andrew on Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ghannigan »

In your C4D demo, is "Spacemouse" listed in the Widow menu at the top? If so select Window>Spacemouse>Spacemouse Dialogue to load the built in driver. In my copy of C4D 10, when I switch to the built in BP 3D layout, I have to turn it on again via the same menu option.
I don't know if the stand alone version of BP has same Spacemouse feature.

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Post by Andrew »

Hi George, yeah there is a listing for SpaceMouse which opens the dialog box. I have to have it visible otherwise I get no repsonse from the SN at all. I'm not familiar with C4D but when I was using the demo of it the SN worked perfectly inside of the progam. Just went pear-shaped when I either changed the interface to BP or opened it through Maya.

When you open the dialog and bung it somewhere on screen the SN works (just very slowly!) as soon as you close it the SN stops.

Weird :?

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Post by ghannigan »

The dialog can be kept open but out of view by dragging it into the Manager area. Place the cursor in the upper right area of the pallet, when it changes to a hand, drag it over the same area in the manager and it will dock as a tab. I don't know why the performance changes, it stays the same in both for me. Does the stand alone BP have the driver built in like C4D?

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Post by Andrew »

Hi George.

The stand alone BP works in the same way involving the built in driver.

I actually bung the SpaceMouse window on my other screen in the bottom corner and the SN works. Still doesn't fix the slow speed issue though.

I've tried everything I can think of, even forcing the display to wireframe but still no joy. If the issue occured when I controlled it with my mouse I'd not get so annoyed and assume it was a graphics card error or something similar but its silky smooth using the mouse. Without changing anything, just moving the SN and it chugs. Back to the mouse, all is fine again?

:? :?

Hmmm. Got me puzzled!

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Post by Andrew »

I've done a bit of experimenting...

After passing the scene back from BP3D to Maya, BP (which stays open but has a blank scene) is perfectly fast with SN again.

I installed the C4D demo on my laptop and also the SN drivers. Didn't bother with any plugins and it worked perfectly in BP side of things, no lag at all. Odd thing was when I went to stop the driver (through the progams menu) it said "No driver running".

So, re-instelled the s/ware on PC. No joy. The only other thing I could thing of was a graohics driver issue (my Laptop is an ATI my Desktop is an nVidia). So I disabled nView and even my extra screen but still no joy.
I even tried running BP without the 3Dx driver running (vain hope!) but got nothing at all.

I am now out of ideas!

Any light anyone can shed on the subject would be greatly appreciated! I have re-installed BP and the drivers on numerous occasions!

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Post by jwick »


There is nothing obviously wrong in that log file you emailed in.


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