Addin with tdxinput.dll Driver 3.3.6 broken 3.1.8 worked

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Addin with tdxinput.dll Driver 3.3.6 broken 3.1.8 worked

Post by cruzy »

Hi 3DConnexion Developer Support

I developed an VB 6.0 addin for AlphaCAM (from Planit Solutions for the SpaceTraveler. This works great with the 3.1.8 driver and tdxinput.dll but after updating to 3.3.6 it doesn't recieve the sensor or keyboard inputs anymore. What has changed with the new versions so that this doesn't work anymore? Do I need to change my addin?

Here is a bit from my code:

Private WithEvents TDxDev As TDxInput.Device
Private WithEvents TDxSensor As TDxInput.Sensor
Private WithEvents TDxKeys As TDxInput.Keyboard

Dim Rot As TDxInput.AngleAxis
Dim Trans As TDxInput.Vector3D

Public Sub StartTDx()

Set TDxDev = New TDxInput.Device
Set TDxSensor = TDxDev.Sensor
Set TDxKeys = TDxDev.Keyboard


End Sub

Private Sub TDxSensor_SensorInput()
Set Rot = TDxSensor.Rotation()
Set Trans = TDxSensor.Translation()

With App.ActiveDrawing.CurrentViewWindow

If .CanRotateView Then
App.ActiveDrawing.ScreenUpdating = False
.SetRotationPoint True, 0, 0, 0

.ZoomOut ((-1) * Trans.Z)
.RotateViewX (Rot.Angle * Rot.x)
.RotateViewY (Rot.Angle * Rot.y * (-1))
.RotateViewZ (Rot.Angle * Rot.Z)
.TranslateView Trans.x * Trans.y * (-1)

App.ActiveDrawing.ScreenUpdating = True

'If the view can not rotate ignore rotation input to smoothen things out a little
.TranslateView Trans.x * FctTrans, Trans.y * (-1)

.ZoomOut ((-1) * Trans.Z)
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

Thank you for the help.

Thomas Gysi
Posts: 3365
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:22 am

Post by ngomes »

Hi cruzy,

The code seems correct. It may be the way that is used elsewhere in your product.

There's a VB sample on our SDK page. See if it works for you with 3.3.6 and let us know.
Nuno Gomes
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:26 pm

Post by cruzy »

OK I figured it out. It has something to do with my spalsh screen. Why does this have an effect? It used to work with the older 3.1.8 as well as 3.2.2 which I just downloaded form your site.

I just uncommented the showing of the splashscreen and now it works. We really want to use a splash screen though, so what can I do? I can see I'm not the only one with this problem....
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Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:22 am

Post by ngomes »

Hi cruzy,
OK I figured it out. It has something to do with my spalsh screen. Why does this have an effect?
It is a bug in the TDxInput COM server.
I just uncommented the showing of the splashscreen and now it works. We really want to use a splash screen though, so what can I do?
Wait a few more days. The fix for this issue is included in the next update which will be made available soon (qualification is already complete).
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:26 pm

Post by cruzy »

OK, I can use the spalsh screen again (yeh! :-))
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